How to install Sound Labyrinth

Set up the environment

Sound labyrinth relies on several packages please run the following commands in a terminal window:

  1. sudo apt install libespeak1
  2. pip install pygame
  3. pip install pyttsx3

Download program

Sound Labyrinth is a an open source video game, meaning that all of the code for the game can be found on our Github repository. To download our program for running please go to our Github repository and download the game files by using the green clone or download button on the right hand side of the page.

  1. Navigate to our Github link where you can download the program
  2. Press the ‘Clone or Download’ button on the right side of the page.
  3. Press the ‘Download Zip’ button and save the file somewhere you can easily access when you want to run the program
  4. Unzip and extract the files.

Running the program

To run the program you need to start it through the terminal. First navigate into the extracted folder that you created during installation. Then run the following command to start the program python

To download Sound Labyrinth please visit our github!