Day 4
Reading Journal Review
implementation alternatives- Reactions to supplemental reading: “Holding a Program in One’s Head”
GeneFinder Guest Lecture: Joanne Pratt
Dr. Pratt will provide some additional biological context for the GeneFinder miniproject and introduce us to research tools we will use to investigate candidate protein sequences.
For in-class exercises:
Mystery sequence 1:
Mystery sequence 2:
Drawing code
Visual communication is just as important in the software world as in other disciplines. The mechanism we use to describe code execution is the state diagram.
Exercise Draw a state diagram for the execution of the following code
>>> a = 1
>>> b = "Hello"
>>> a = 2
>>> b = b * a
>>> def double(n):
... res = n*2
... return res
>>> c = double(a)
Python Tutor is an excellent online tool to help you visualize code execution automatically.
Drawing the execution of your code can help you form a mental model and cement trickier concepts like:
- scope and namespaces
- functions and parameters
- (im)mutability
String Formatting
Today, you should practice the many ways that python supports formatting and manipulating strings:
- Concatenation
- Multiplication
- Slicing
- String methods (e.g.
>>> excited = "Software " + "Design" + "!"*10
>>> print(excited)
Software Design!!!!!!!!!!
>>> bored = excited.rstrip("!")
>>> print(bored)
Software Design
>>> print(bored[-6:])
>>> print(bored.split())
['Software', 'Design']
Python also has several other built-in facilities for formatting strings. Among other things, this makes it much easier to create things like a square root table!
There are two main ways to format strings in Python, and you’re likely to see both in code you read.
The older method uses a format string and the percent character (same as the modulo operator) to replace pieces of the format string. For example, to insert an integer, you could use:
>>> print("Your number is %d" % 52)
Your number is 52
The newer method also uses a (similar) format string, but uses an explicit format method:
>>> print("Your number is {:d}".format(52))
Your number is 52
The newer method can have a bit more complex syntax, but is often clearer and can be more powerful.
The documentation for each can be a bit dense, but fortunately there is a great cheat sheet with useful tasks at
Exercise: cheap is 33 dollars; free is 34!
You walk into a store where each item is priced according to the letters in its name: ‘a’ costs 1 dollar, ‘b’ costs 2, and so on. Write a program that prints a receipt for this wacky store:
bananas $52
rice $35
paprika $72
potato chips $142
Total $301
What helper functions would be useful in creating this receipt program?
Hint: the built-in ‘ord’ and ‘chr’ functions may be useful. If you use these, pay attention to how case, punctuation, and whitespace affect the result.